
Migrating repositories to

On May 2nd, 2018 Travis CI announced that open source projects will be joining private projects on!

This document explains how to migrate your repositories, and answers some common questions about the migration.

Hi there! If you’d like to become a beta tester, please sign in at and in your account page, sign up to migrate your Open Source repositories.

Starting June 2021 is disabled and therefore no longer supported. Please use

What information will be transferred to #

When a repository is migrated, the following information will be transferred to

  • Environment variables (public and encrypted)
  • Repository SSH keys (default or custom)
  • Repository settings
  • Cron jobs configured for the repository
  • Last build status - the build badge in will reflect this status until new builds are triggered
  • Next build number
  • Previous build history

What information will not be transferred to #

The following information will not be transferred to when a repository is migrated:

  • Caches - they will be re-created automatically on the first build on

Do I need to make any other changes? #

You only need to make any changes yourself if you use any of the following features:

  • “Protected Branches” feature in GitHub to require a passing Travis CI build before merging a Pull Request: make sure to edit your required status checks to now use Travis CI - Pull Request and/or Travis CI - Branch. See: Required status checks at GitHub.

  • Travis CLI: after migration make sure to add the --com flag or make it your default endpoint by running: travis endpoint --com --set-default.

  • Travis CI API: edit your requests to use the new endpoint: instead of

What will happen to my repository? #

Your repository on will be automatically deactivated (that is, it will no longer receive GitHub events) and will remain available in read-only mode.

With this read-only mode:

  • The “Trigger build” functionality won’t be available in
  • It won’t be possible to restart a previous job that ran in
  • The Settings page for your repository will become inactive - the transferred repository settings will now be available in instead.

In the future, we will provide redirections from all API/web requests going from to

How long does the migration process take? #

The migration process for each repository should not take more than a couple of seconds.

Can I migrate multiple repositories at once? #

Yes, you can select as many repositories in the Migrate tab as you’d like to migrate and they’ll be queued to be migrated.

What happens if someone pushes a commit to my repository while it is being migrated? #

We’ll enqueue these build requests and the builds will be created in as soon as the migration finishes.

Does the migration require any changes in our .travis.yml? #

No. Unless there was something very customised in your .travis.yml, no changes are required.

Please note: the experimental IBM Power CPU queue is not available on .com, one can use arch: ppc64le tag on, which will run your IBM build in LXD container.

Migrating a repository #

GitHub Apps initial setup #

If you are already using GitHub Apps for your account in, you need to access your installation settings and grant access to the repositories you’d like to migrate. Otherwise:

  1. Log in to and access your profile (or your organization’s) at For any doubts on the Travis CI GitHub Authorized OAuth App access rights message, please read more details below.

  2. If you aren’t using the new GitHub Apps integration already, activate it for your account Activate GitHub Apps

  3. When activating the Travis CI GitHub App, grant access to the repositories (both public and private) that you want to build in Save the changes.

  4. Once back in your Travis CI profile, the selected repositories will be listed there. Those projects that were already building in will appear in the Migrate tab for your account.

Travis CI GitHub OAuth App access rights #

When you sign in to using GitHub for the first time, you will receive a message from GitHub saying:

Travis CI by travis-pro wants to access your [account name] account.

and in the repositories section it will state:

This application will be able to read and write all public and private repository data.

This is not how Travis CI accesses your data, however we can explain it later in the process.

The warning is triggered due to GitHub OAuth App permissions which Travis CI uses, and due to the available granularity of permission scopes (see GitHub Scopes for OAuth Apps documentation ).

Travis CI does not access all your repositories by default.

Once you acknowledge the access rights, you will see Travis CI OAuth application present in your GitHub Authorized OAuth Apps list, however you need to explicitly configure which repositories Travis CI has access to within your account. The configuration is done during the activation of Travis CI for your repositories. You can use either the ‘All repositories’ option or the ‘Only select repositories’ option during the activation process.

When the Travis CI activation has completed, you will see the actual Travis CI GitHub Application installed in Installed GitHub Apps section.

Travis CI uses OAuth permissions in the following way:

1) Travis CI’s system synchronizes certain metadata with GitHub. This metadata is required for proper service functioning. In particular, we sync users, orgs, memberships, repos, permissions and, (optionally) branches. This type of sync happens either once a day by schedule or per the user’s request. You can find more information and source code in this repository

2) In order to run builds, Travis CI’s system clones a repository, from which the build is triggered, to the build environment. The build environment is an isolated virtual machine or an LXD container, which gets terminated as soon as the build finishes. Cloning happens only after a build request, and therefore only for the repositories explicitly enabled at GitHub settings.

3) To set up a build environment and prepare the build, Travis CI’s system fetches and processes the .travis.yml config file from the repository and the branch explicitly specified in the build request, triggered by GitHub.

4) Travis CI’s system reports build results back to GitHub via its Checks API.

The migration steps #

  1. Once you have granted access via GitHub Apps to the repositories you’d like to build and transfer, on the “Migrate” tab, there will be a list of the repositories available to migrate: Migration repository list

  2. Select the repositories you’d like to migrate and click “Migrate selected repositories”, You’ll be asked for a final confirmation - please remember that you’ll need to update protected branches (See: Do I need to make any other changes?).

  3. Confirm the migration. The icons next to your repository name will show the migration status (“processing”, or “migrated”): Migration statuses

  4. That’s it! Your open source repository is now ready to build at!

Migrating repositories via API #

If you’d like to automate your migration process, it’s also possible to migrate a repository by directly making a request to the /repo/:id/migrate or /repo/:slug/migrate endpoints of the Travis CI API:

  • Using the repository slug:
 curl -s -X POST \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -H "Accept: application/json" \
   -H "Travis-API-Version: 3" \
   -H "Authorization: token {API_TOKEN}" \
   --data '' \{REPO_OWNER}%2F{REPO_NAME}/migrate
  • Using the repository ID:
 curl -s -X POST \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -H "Accept: application/json" \
   -H "Travis-API-Version: 3" \
   -H "Authorization: token {API_TOKEN}" \
   --data '' \{REPO_ID}/migrate

Interacting with a migrated repository #

Travis CI will now start receiving the GitHub events for migrated open source repository in Any new builds and requests will start appearing in the site.

The project page of a migrated repository in will start showing that it has been migrated and then, the migrated repository will still appear in your repository list with a direct link to access the project in

Migrated repository in

Since the repository in is now in read-only mode, the settings page will also link to the corresponding settings page in

Locked settings page in

Migrating within a “Grouped Account” #

Please note: Grouping accounts, very rarely done, was set only manually by Travis CI staff and was subject to assesment every time. This section concerns only a handful of accounts in Travis CI as only a couple of tens accounts were set that way in the past.

If your account happens to be grouped with other accounts in the so called ‘grouped account’ setup, migrating your repositories from to and preserving this unique configuration requires Travis CI staff support.

How do I recognize I am part of a grouped account? #

You are part of a grouped account if:

  • At least 2 Version Control System (VCS) accounts utilize a common concurrency pool, e.g. two concurrent GitHub accounts utilize common concurrency pool.
  • Your total available concurrency exceeds the limit number of concurrent jobs available for free builds for a single account.
  • Optionally: if someone in your team confirms that you are part of a specific customised grouped account configuration in Travis CI.

All of above must be satisfied at the same time. If you only notice increased concurrency limit, that may be a subject to separate configuration and you are welcomed to contact with our support team to clarify details before you migrate your repositories.

How do I progress with the migration? #

If your account is part of a grouped account and you will migrate just repositories on single account, then you will loose access to the combined concurrency pool. Therefore, all accounts must migrate their repositories to and once done, Travis CI Staff can re-create the configuration for you in

A whole migration can be done in seconds. Re-creating a grouped account configuration on should complete within a couple of hours, depending on the Travis CI staff workload.

The following steps are meant to clarify the process:

Preparing #

Organize & let us know ahead!

  • Reach out to your collaborative group and establish, when to migrate the repositories to; make sure all partaking account owners express their consent for the move and can inform contributors on the plan to migrate to
  • Report to the Travis CI Support team to confirm that you are part of a Grouped Account on, at best providing a list of other partakers with up-to-date contacts to decision makers (and a GitHub ticket, if you have opened one on your account for that action) - contact us via our Slack #embassy channel or to our email address, and we will internally create a ticket for that request.
  • Travis CI Support will verify the configuration (which accounts belong to the group) and, reach out to the partaking account owners in order to confirm that the migration of repositories for every partaking account is executed or planned to be executed.

Migrating and re-creating configuration #

  • Every account partaking in a Grouped Account configuration must migrate their repositories to following this migration steps.
    • At least one repository migrated to is required, however given you will need to use the app, we recommend to move all repositories at once.
  • Once all partaking accounts have migrated their repositories to, reach out to Travis CI Staff confirming readiness to re-create the configuration on (all partaking accounts migrated their repositories).
  • Travis CI Staff re-creates your Grouped Accounts configuration and answers on the request.

The whole process takes a couple of hours.

Support and feedback #

If you have any further questions, comments or need help on our Beta migration process, please let us know at We have a dedicated team working on this project that will be glad to assist you.

Frequently asked questions #

Q. When will the migration from to be completed? #

A. In an effort to ensure that all of our users - whether you build open-source, public or private repositories - receive regular feature updates, security patches and UX/UI enhancements, we are announcing that will be officially closed down completely no later than December 31st, 2020, allowing us to focus all our efforts on bringing new features and fixes to and all of our awesome users like yourself on the domain.

Q. What will happen to after December 31st, 2020? #

A. will be switched to a read-only platform, allowing you to see your jobs build history from all repositories previously connected to

Q. Why are some of my queued jobs taking longer than usual to build? #

A. At peak usage times, you may see your build times are longer than they previously have been - we need to make sure all users have equal access to the .org platform until the end of the year as we move our infrastructure across to .com. You may want to consider migrating across to .com sooner rather than later, or consider scheduling builds at a quieter time of the day if remaining on .org for a while longer.

Q. Why are some of my queued jobs being cancelled? #

A. This might happen as we move infrastructure over from .org to .com - if we see a job stuck in a queue for more than 16 hours, we will review this on a case by case basis and possibly cancel the job to ensure resources are not being reduced across the platform. You may want to consider migrating across to .com sooner rather than later, or consider building at a quieter time of the day if remaining on .org for a while longer.

Q. Will there be lower concurrency for free accounts on #

A. As part of the shift of infrastructure from .org to .com and needing to make sure all users have equal access to resources, free and open-source .org accounts will have concurrency reduced from 5 to 4 concurrent jobs. Concurrent jobs have not changed on .com, so please consider migrating your repositories as soon as possible if this is an issue.

Q. Will become unreliable? #

A. As part of the shift of infrastructure from .org to .com we’re making a number of changes to the infrastructure to ensure the service will remain as reliable and available to you as it always has been until the migration is completed.

Q. Will Travis CI be getting rid of free users? #

A. Travis CI will continue to offer a free tier for public or open-source repositories on and will not be affected by the migration.

Q. Why is asking for write access to my repositories? #

A. We’re aware that when migrating your GitHub repositories to you will be prompted to give Travis CI write access to your repositories - this is due to us currently using GitHub OAuth for user authentication and the message is due to the way the OAuth scopes are shaped. The Travis CI platform actually uses the GitHub App for actual repository-level access - it does not require write access to all of your repositories and you can configure that.

We’re working hard to resolve this and use just the GitHub App for both user authentication and repository-level access, but until then we will be clarifying the situation in our documentation and user interface.