Conditional Builds, Stages and Jobs

You can filter out and reject builds, stages and jobs by specifying conditions in your build configuration (your .travis.yml file).

You can find more information on the build config format in our Travis CI Build Config Reference.

Conditional Builds #

You can configure Travis CI to only run builds when certain conditions are met. Any builds that do not meet these conditions are listed in the Requests tab of your repository, even though the actual build is not generated.

Travis CI’s system fetches and processes the .travis.yml config file from the repository and the branch explicitly specified in the build request

For example, this allows builds only to run on the master branch:

# require the branch name to be master (note for PRs this is the base branch name)
if: branch = master

Build requests that do not match the condition will not generate a build, but will be listed on the Requests tab.

Conditional Stages #

You can configure Travis CI to only include stages when certain conditions are met. Stages that do not match the given condition are silently skipped. For example, this allows the deploy stage to run only on the master branch:

  - name: deploy
    # require the branch name to be master (note for PRs this is the base branch name)
    if: branch = master

Stages that do not match the condition will be skipped silently.

Conditional Jobs #

You can configure Travis CI to only include jobs when certain conditions are met. For example, this includes the listed job only to build on the master branch:

    - # require the branch name to be master (note for PRs this is the base branch name)
      if: branch = master
      env: FOO=foo

Jobs need to be listed explicitly, i.e., using jobs.include (or its alias matrix.include), in order to specify conditions for them. Jobs created via matrix expansion currently cannot have conditions, but they can be conditionally excluded (see below).

Jobs that do not match the condition will be skipped silently.

Conditionally Excluding Jobs #

You can configure Travis CI to exclude jobs when certain conditions are met. For example, this will create two jobs on all branches, but only one job (with the env var ONE=one) on the master branch:

  - ONE=one
  - TWO=two
    - if: branch = master
      env: TWO=two

Conditionally Allowing Jobs to Fail #

You can configure Travis CI to allow jobs to fail only when certain conditions are met. For example, this will allow the job with the env var TWO=two to fail when the build runs on the branch dev:

  - ONE=one
  - TWO=two
    - if: branch = dev
      env: TWO=two

Specifying Conditions #

Please see Conditions for examples and a specification of the conditions syntax.

Testing Conditions #

Conditions can be tested using the travis-conditions command. Learn how to test your conditions.