

This page documents conditions v1 which is now the default version. The documentation for v0 can be found here.

Conditions can be used to filter out, and reject builds, stages, jobs, and notifications by specifying conditions in your build configuration (your .travis.yml file). See Conditional Builds, Stages, and Jobs and Conditional Notifications for details.

Conditions can be tested using the travis-conditions command. See Testing Conditions.

Integration #

Conditions are parsed and evaluated using this library, by the component that accepts your build request, and generates your build, stages, and jobs.

The following known attributes are available, and can be used in conditions:

  • type (the current event type, known event types are: push, pull_request, api, cron)
  • repo (the current repository slug owner_name/name)
  • branch (the current branch name; for pull requests: the base branch name)
  • tag (the current tag name)
  • commit_message (the current commit message)
  • sender (the event sender’s login name)
  • fork (true or false depending if the repository is a fork)
  • head_repo (for pull requests: the head repository slug owner_name/name)
  • head_branch (for pull requests: the head repository branch name)
  • os (the operating system)
  • language (the build language)
  • sudo (sudo access)
  • dist (the distribution)
  • group (the image group)

Also, environment variables from your build configuration (.travis.yml) and repository settings are available, and can be matched using env(FOO), see below.

Note that this means conditions do not have access to the build environment, and they are not evaluated in Bash. Bash variables or subprocesses can not be evaluated. Variable names and unquoted strings starting with a dollar char $ raise a parse error, causing the build request to be rejected. Quoted strings still can start with a dollar char, so if you definitely need a string to start with a dollar char you can enclose it in quotes.

Specification #

The following expressions are parsed and evaluated.

Individual terms:


Comparing values:

1 = 1
true != false

Comparing function calls to attributes:

env(FOO) = type

Comparing function calls:

env(FOO) = env(BAR)

Matching against regular expressions:

branch =~ /^(one|two)-three$/
env(FOO) =~ /^(one|two)-three$/

Attribute in lists:

branch IN (one, other)

Function calls in lists:

repo IN (env(ONE), env(OTHER))


tag IS present
tag IS blank

Nested function calls:


Boolean operators:

branch = master AND env(FOO) = foo
branch = master OR env(FOO) = foo
branch = master AND env(FOO) = foo OR tag = bar
branch = master AND (env(FOO) = foo OR tag = bar)
NOT branch = master


(tag =~ ^v) AND (branch = master)
((tag =~ ^v) AND (branch = master))

All keywords (such as AND, OR, NOT, IN, IS, attribute and functions names) are case-insensitive.

Boolean operators #

The following boolean operators are supported:

  • AND
  • OR
  • NOT

AND binds stronger than OR, and NOT binds stronger than AND. Therefore the following expressions are the same:

branch = master AND os = linux OR tag = bar
(branch = master AND os = linux) OR tag = bar

NOT branch = master AND os = linux
NOT (branch = master) AND os = linux

Values #

Values are strings that are given without quotes, not containing any whitespace or special characters, or single or double quoted strings:

"a word"
'a word'

Equality and inequality #

This matches a string literally:

branch = master
sender != "my bot"
env(foo) = bar
"bar" = env("foo")

Regular expressions #

This matches a string using a Ruby regular expression:

branch =~ ^master$
env(foo) =~ ^bar$

If an expression needs to include whitespace, or end in a parenthesis it needs to be enclosed in forward slashes:

branch =~ /(master|foo)/

Usually parenthesis are not required (e.g. the above list of alternatives could also be written as just master|foo). If you do need to end a regular expression with a parenthesis, or if it contains whitespace, then the whole expression needs to be enclosed in forward slashes.

Function calls #

There are two function available:

  • env
  • concat

The function env returns the value of given environment variable:


env supports environment variables that are set in the env key (including of your .travis.yml or specified in your repository settings.

Note that there is no function or similar. Instead all environment variables are available through env.

The function concat accepts any number of arguments and concatenates them into a single string:

concat("foo", "-", env(BAR))
# => "foo-bar"

This can also be used in the context of matching a regular expression. For example with env: SERVICE=some-service the following is equivalent to branch =~ ^srv-some-service-:

branch =~ concat(^srv-,env(SERVICE),-)

Lists #

This matches against a list (array) of values:

branch IN (master, dev)
env(foo) IN (bar, baz)

Note that commas are required to separate values.

Values that include whitespace or special characters should be quoted:

env(foo) IN ("bar baz", "buz bum")

The operator IN can be negated as follows:

# these are the same
NOT branch IN (master, dev)
branch NOT IN (master, dev)

Predicates #

Known predicates are:


This requires a value to be present or missing:

branch IS present
branch IS blank
env(foo) IS present
env(foo) IS blank

The operator IS can be negated as follows:

# these are all the same
env(foo) IS NOT present
NOT env(foo) IS present
env(foo) IS blank

Note that the operator IS is intended to work with the well known predicates present and blank. It is not the same as =, and expressions like the following do not work:

# this does not work
branch IS "master"

# instead use =
branch = "master"

However, IS can be used to match against the boolean predicates true and false (this has been included after we found many users to expect this to work):

branch IS true
branch = true # this is the same

Aliases #

The following aliases are in place:

  • ! is an alias to NOT
  • && is an alias to AND
  • || is an alias to OR
  • == is an alias to =
  • ~= is an alias to =~

Line continuation (multiline conditions): #

We were surprised to see users to expect line continuation using \ to work, as it does, for example, in Ruby or Python. We liked the idea, so we allowed the following:

if: env(PRIOR_VERSION) IS present AND \
    branch = master AND \
    type = push

Using YAML multiline strings:

if: |
  env(PRIOR_VERSION) IS present AND \
  branch = master AND \
  type = push

Examples #

Build only when on the master branch (note for PRs this is the base branch name):

branch = master

Build only when the tag name matches the given regular expression:

tag =~ /^(v1|v2)/

Build only when the build type is either push or pull_request:

type IN (push, pull_request)

Build only when the branch name is not be one of several names:

branch NOT IN (master, dev)

Build only when the sender login name matches the given name - use quotes for strings that contain spaces or special characters (the sender is the GitHub user who creates a build):

sender = my_account
sender != "deploy bot"

Do not build on forks:

fork = false

Build only when the commit message doesn’t match against the given regular expression:

commit_message !~ /(no-deploy|wip)/

Build only on Linux:

os = linux