
Uploading Artifacts on Travis CI

Travis CI can automatically upload your build artifacts to Amazon S3 at the end of the job, after the after_script phase.

Note that the artifacts addon is not available for pull request builds.

For a minimal configuration, add the following to your .travis.yml:

  artifacts: true

and add the following environment variables in the repository settings:

ARTIFACTS_KEY=(AWS access key id)
ARTIFACTS_SECRET=(AWS secret access key)
ARTIFACTS_BUCKET=(S3 bucket name)

The region defaults to us-east-1. For any other region, either define the ARTIFACTS_REGION environment variable or add it under the artifacts configuration key:

    s3_region: "us-west-1" # defaults to "us-east-1"

You can find your AWS Access Keys here.

Deploy specific paths #

The default paths uploaded to S3 are found via git ls-files -o in order to find any files in the git working copy that aren’t tracked. If any additional paths need to be uploaded, they may be specified via the addons.artifacts.paths key like so:

    # ⋮
    - $(git ls-files -o | tr "\n" ":")
    - $(ls /var/log/*.log | tr "\n" ":")
    - $HOME/some/other/thing.log

or as an environment variable in repository settings:

# ':'-delimited paths, e.g.

Please keep in mind that in the example above, colon (:) is used as a delimiter which means file names cannot contain this character.

Working directory #

If you’d like to upload file from a specific directory, you can change your working directory by setting addons.artifacts.working_dir.

    # ⋮
    working_dir: out

Target Paths #

By default, artifacts will be uploaded to the path in the bucket defined by /${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}/${TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}/${TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER}. You can change the upload path at build time using the target_paths key, for example:

    - /$TRAVIS_OS_NAME/$((lsb_release -rs 2>/dev/null || sw_vers -productVersion) | grep --only -E '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+')

Debugging #

If you’d like to see more detail about what the artifacts addon is doing, setting addons.artifacts.debug to anything non-empty will turn on debug logging.

    # ⋮
    debug: true

or define this as a repository settings environment variable, or in the section:


Travis CI Artifact Uploader #

For more complicated artifact uploads, you can use the Artifact Uploader Tool which is installed on your build VM by default.

Build Config Reference #

You can find more information on the build config format for Artifacts in our Travis CI Build Config Reference.