Apps, Clients and Tools
There is a wide range of tools you can use to interact with Travis CI:
- Websites: Full Web Clients, Dashboards, Tools
- Mobile Applications: Android, iOS, Windows Phone
- Desktop: macOS, Linux, Cross Platform
- Command Line Tools: Full Clients, Build Monitoring, Generators
- Plugins: Google Chrome, Opera, Editors, Other
- Libraries: Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Elixir, R, Go
And if you don’t find anything that fits your needs, you can also interact with our API directly.
Note however that Travis CI can not take any responsibility of for third-party tools you might use.
Websites #
Full Web Clients #
Travis CI Web Client #
Our official web interface, written in Ember.js
Dashboards #
TravisLight #
Online build monitoring tool
By William Durand
Team Dashboard #
Visualize your team’s metrics all in one place
By Frederik Dietz
CI Status #
Travis CI dashboard
By Piwik.
node-build-monitor #
Simple and extensible Build Monitor written in Node.js
By Marcell Spies
CI Dashboard #
Travis CI builds dashboard
By Ahmed El-Sayed #
Extensible and plugin-based build monitor.
By CyanCor
Meercode CI Build Dashboard #
Meercode is the ultimate monitoring dashboard for your CI/CD builds.
BuildPulse Flaky Test Dashboard #
Automatically detect, track, and rank flaky tests.
By Workshop 64
Tools #
Travis Web Encrypter #
Encrypt Secure Variables
By Konstantin Haase
Mobile Applications #
Android #
Siren of Shame (Android) #
Gamification for your builds
By Automated Architecture
iOS #
Jarvis #
iPad client for Travis CI, supports private projects
By NinjaConcept GmbH
Project Monitor #
iPhone app that monitors public and private builds
By Dimitri Roche
Siren of Shame (iOS) #
Gamification for your builds
By Automated Architecture
Windows Phone #
Travis7 #
A Windows Phone client for Travis CI
By Tim Felgentreff
Desktop #
If you are looking for desktop notifications, our command line client supports them.
macOS #
CCMenu #
macOS status bar app
By ThoughtWorks Inc.
Linux #
BuildNotify #
Linux alternative to CCMenu
By Anay Nayak
Cross Platform #
Build Checker App #
Check CI-server build statuses
By Will Mendes.
CatLight #
Shows build status in tray / menu bar
Command Line Tools #
Full Clients #
Travis CLI #
Feature complete command line client
PSTravis #
Command line client for PowerShell
Build Monitoring #
Bickle #
Display build status in your terminal
By Jiri Pospisil
Travis Surveillance #
Monitor a project in your terminal
By Dylan Egan
Travis Build Watcher #
Trigger a script on build changes
By Andrew Sutherland
Status Gravatar #
Sets Gravatar profile image depending on build status
By Gleb Bahmutov
Chroma Feedback #
Turn your Razer keyboard, mouse or headphone into a extreme feedback device
By Henry Ruhs
Generators #
travis-encrypt #
Encrypt environment variables
By Patrick Williams
travis-tools #
Easy secure data encryption
By Michael van der Weg
Travisify (Ruby) #
Creates .travis.yml with tagging and env variables
By James Smith
Travisify (Node.js) #
Add Travis CI hooks to your GitHub project
By James Halliday
Plugins #
Google Chrome #
My Travis #
Monitor your projects builds within Chrome
By Leonardo Quixadá
github+travis #
Display build status next to project name on GitHub
By Tomas Carnecky
GitHub Status #
Display build status next to project name on GitHub
By excellenteasy
Opera #
GitHub+Travis #
Display build status next to project name on GitHub
By smasty
Editors #
Atom Plugin #
Travis CI integration for Atom
By Tom Bell
Brackets Plugin #
Travis CI integration for Brackets
By Cas du Plessis
Emacs Package #
Travis CI integration for Emacs
By Skye Shaw
Vim Plugin #
Travis CI integration for Vim
By Keith Smiley
Other #
git-travis #
Git subcommand to display build status
By Dav Glass
gh-travis #
NodeGH plugin for integrating Travis CI
By Eduardo Antonio Lundgren Melo and Zeno Rocha Bueno Netto
Travis CI 🡒 Discord Webhook #
Serverless solution for sending build status from Travis CI to Discord as webhooks.
By Sankarsan Kampa
Libraries #
Ruby #
- travis.rb (official)
- trav3 by Daniel P. Clark
- TravisMiner by Shane McIntosh
- hoe-travis by Eric Hodel
- Knapsack by Artur Trzop
JavaScript #
- travis-ci by Patrick Williams
- node-travis-ci by Maciej Małecki
- travis-api-wrapper by Christopher Maujean
- travis.js by Konstantin Haase
- ee-travis by Michael van der Weg
- Favis CI by Jaune Sarmiento
- php-travis-client by Leszek Prabucki
Python #
- TravisPy by Fabio Menegazzo
PowerShell #
- PSTravis by Felix Becker
Elixir #
- travis.ex by Kevin Deisz
R #
- travis by Kirill Müller
Go #
- go-travis by Shuhei Kitagawa