
The Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble Numbat) Build Environment

What This Guide Covers #

This guide provides an overview of the packages, tools and settings available in the Noble Numbat environment.

Using Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble Numbat) #

To route your builds to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, Noble, add the following to your .travis.yml:

dist: noble

Environment common to all Ubuntu 24.04 images #

All preinstalled software not provided by the distro is installed from an official release — either a prebuilt binary if available, or a source release built with default options. For preinstalled language interpreters, a standard version manager like rvm is used if available for the language.

Version Control #

package version
git 2.48.1
git-lfs 3.4.1
hg 6.7.2
svn 1.14.1

Compilers and Build toolchain #

package version
clang 18.1.3
cmake 3.30.0
gcc 13.3.0
ccache 4.9.1
shellcheck 0.10.0
shfmt 3.9.0

Docker #

  • Docker 27.5.1 is installed.
  • docker-compose 2.32.4 is also available.

Ruby Support #

  • Pre-installed Rubies: 3.3.5.
  • The default ruby is 3.3.5.
  • Other ruby versions can be installed during build time.

Python Support #

  • Supported Python version is: 3.X or higher.
  • Python 3.12.8 will be used by default when no language version is explicitly set.
  • The following Python versions are preinstalled:
alias version
3.12 3.12.8
3.13 3.13.1

JavaScript and Node.js support #

  • For builds specifying language: node_js, nvm is automatically updated to the latest version at build time.
  • The following NodeJS versions are preinstalled: 18.20.6, 20.18.3 and 22.14.0.

Go support #

  • Pre-installed Go version: 1.23.4.

  • Additional Go versions can be installed during build time by specifying the language version with the go: key.

JVM (Clojure, Groovy, Java, Scala) support #

  • Pre-installed JVMs: openjdk17, openjdk21 and openjdk23 on x86, default is openjdk17.

  • Other JDKs, including Oracle’s, can be acquired if available by specifying jdk.

  • The following JVM tooling is preinstalled::

package version
gradle 8.3
maven 3.9.4
groovy 4.0.15

Perl Support #

  • Default version on Noble is 5.38.2.

PHP Support #

  • For dynamic runtime selection, phpenv is available.
  • The following PHP versions are preinstalled:
alias version
8.3 8.3.6

Databases and Services #

The following services and databases are preinstalled but but do not run by default. To use one in your build, add it to the services key in your .travis.yml :

service version
mysql 8.0.41
redis 7.4.2
postgresql 16.7

Other Ubuntu Linux Build Environments #

You can have a look at the Ubuntu Linux overview page for the different Ubuntu Linux build environments you can use.