
The Ubuntu 18.04 Build Environment

Bionic LTS Standard is EOL by Canonical, try updating to a newer image. It will be in use in Travis CI for some time more, but it’s time to consider migration of your builds to a newer build environment image.

What This Guide Covers #

This guide provides an overview of the packages, tools and settings available in the Bionic environment.

Using Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) #

To route your builds to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Bionic, add the following to your .travis.yml:

dist: bionic

Differences from the previous release images #

Travis CI Ubuntu 18.04, Bionic, includes the following changes and improvements:

Third party apt-repositories removed #

While third party apt-repositories are used during the image provisioning, they are all removed from the Bionic build image. This has two benefits; a) reduced risk of unrelated interference and b) faster apt-get updates.

To specify a third party apt-repository, you can add the source with the apt addon and specify the packages. For example:

dist: bionic
      - ppa:chris-lea/redis-server
    - redis-tools
    - redis-server

If you depend on these repositories in your build, you can use the following source line to get them back:

package source
docker docker
google-chrome-stable google-chrome
git-lfs github-git-lfs-bionic
git-ppa ppa:git-core/ppa
haskell ppa:hvr/ghc
mongodb mongodb-4.4-bionic
pollinate ppa:pollinate/ppa

Services disabled by default #

On the Ubuntu 18.04 based environment, to speed up boot time and improve performance we’ve disabled all services by default. Add any services that you want to start to your .travis.yml:

  - mysql
  - redis

Environment common to all Ubuntu 18.04 images #

The following versions of Docker, version control software and compilers are present on all Ubuntu 18.04 builds, along with more language specific software described in more detail in each language section.

All preinstalled software not provided by distro is installed from an official release – either a prebuilt binary if available, or a source release built with default options. For preinstalled language interpreters, a standard version manager like rvm is used if available for the language.

Version control #

package version
git 2.43.0
git-lfs 2.3.4
hg 5.3
svn 1.9.7

Compilers and Build toolchain #

  • clang and llvm 16
  • cmake 3.26.3
  • gcc 7.5.0
  • ccache 3.4.1
  • shellcheck 0.10.0
  • shfmt 3.8.0

To use the IBM Advance Toolchain v14 compilers under ppc64le architecture in Focal LXD image, use the following paths in your .travis.yml:

  • GCC compiler
    • Path: /opt/at14.0/bin/gcc
    • Command: /opt/at14.0/bin/gcc hello_world.c -o hello_world
  • g++ compiler
    • Path: /opt/at14.0/bin/g++
    • Command: /opt/at14.0/bin/g++ hello_world.cpp -o hello_world
  • Go compiler
    • Path: /opt/at14.0/bin/gccgo
    • Command: /opt/at14.0/bin/gccgo hello_world.go -o hello_world
  • Python
    • First, compile Python 3.8.0 using the script.
    • Python Interpreter Path: /opt/python380-at14/python3.8
    • Build Python Command: sudo sh

To use the IBM Advance Toolchain v14 compilers under amd64 architecture in Focal LXD image, use the following paths in your .travis.yml:

  • GCC compiler
    • Path: /opt/at14.0/bin/powerpc64le-linux-gnu-gcc
    • Command: /opt/at14.0/bin/powerpc64le-linux-gnu-gcc hello_world.c -o hello_world
  • g++ compiler
    • Path: /opt/at14.0/bin/powerpc64le-linux-gnu-g++ Command: /opt/at14.0/bin/powerpc64le-linux-gnu-g++ hello_world.cpp -o hello_world
  • Go compiler
    • Path: /opt/at14.0/bin/powerpc64le-linux-gnu-gccgo
    • Command: /opt/at14.0/bin/powerpc64le-linux-gnu-gccgo hello_world.go -o hello_world
  • Python
    • First, compile Python 3.8.0 using the script.
    • Python Interpreter Path: /opt/python380-amd64/python3.8
    • Build Python Command: sudo sh

Docker #

  • Docker 24.0.2 is installed
  • docker-compose 2.18.1

Ruby support #

  • Pre-installed Rubies: 2.5.9, 2.7.6 and 3.3.0.
  • The default ruby is 3.3.0.
  • Other ruby versions can be installed during build time.

Python support #

  • Supported Python versions: 3.6 or higher.
  • Python 3.12.0 will be used when no language version is explicitly set.
  • The following Python versions are preinstalled:
alias version
3.6 3.6.15
3.7 3.7.17
3.8 3.8.18
3.12 3.12.0

If you’re getting errors about PyPy pypy is not installed; attempting download, use one of the more recent versions.

JavaScript and Node.js support #

  • For builds specifying language: node_js, nvm is automatically updated to the latest version at build time. For other builds, the stable version at image build time has been selected, which is 0.10.48.
  • The following NodeJS versions are preinstalled: 20.14.0, 18.20.3, 16.20.2, 16.15.1, 16.15, 12.22.12, 10.24.1, 8.17.0, 6.17.1 and 4.9.1.

Go support #

  • Pre-installed Go: 1.18.1

  • Other Go versions can be installed during build time by specifying the language versions with the go:-key.

JVM (Clojure, Groovy, Java, Scala) support #

  • Pre-installed JVMs: openjdk8, openjdk9, opnejdk10 and openjdk11 on x86, default is openjdk11.

  • Other JDKs, including Oracle’s, can be acquired if available by specifying jdk.

  • The following table summarizes the Pre-installed JVM tooling versions:

package version
gradle 8.3
maven 3.9.4
groovy 4.0.15

Perl support #

  • Default version on Bionic is 5.33
  • Supported versions 5.32 and 5.33 can be installed by using the perl:-key.
  • TAP::Harness v3.38 and cpanm (App::cpanminus) version 1.7044 are also pre-installed.

PHP support #

  • For dynamic runtime selection, phpenv is available.
  • The following PHP versions are preinstalled:
alias version
7.1 7.1.33
7.2 7.2.27
7.3 7.3.14
7.4 7.4.2

Extensions #

PHP 7.1 and higher #

The following extensions are preinstalled for PHP 7.1 and higher builds:

Please note that these extensions are not enabled by default with the exception of xdebug.

Databases and services #

The following services and databases are preinstalled but but do not run by default. To use one in your build, add it to the services key in your travis.yml :

service version
mongodb 4.4.29
mysql 5.7.42
redis 7.2.5
postgresql 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 10 11

Other Ubuntu Linux Build Environments #

You can have a look at the Ubuntu Linux overview page for the different Ubuntu Linux build environments you can use.