Building a Perl 6 Project

What This Guide Covers #

This guide covers build environment and configuration topics specific to Perl 6 projects. Please make sure to read our Onboarding and General Build configuration guides first.

Perl 6 builds are not available on the macOS environment.

Community-Supported Warning #

Travis CI support for Perl 6 is contributed by the community and may be removed or altered at any time. If you run into any problems, please report them in the Travis CI issue tracker and cc @paultcochrane @hoelzro @ugexe @tony-o .

Choosing Perl 6 versions to test against #

Perl 6 workers on Travis CI use rakudobrew to provide several Perl 6 versions that your projects can be tested against. To specify them, use the perl6: key in your .travis.yml file, for example:

language: perl6
  - latest
  - '2017.05'
  - '2017.04'

Over time, new releases come out and we upgrade both rakudobrew and Perls, aliases like 2017.05 will float and point to different exact versions, patch levels and so on.

For precise versions pre-installed on the VM, please consult “Build system information” in the build log.

Perl 6 Stack #

At present the Perl 6 that is built is Rakudo upon NQP with the MoarVM backend. Future support for the JVM backend is planned.

Default Perl 6 Version #

If you leave the perl6 key out of your .travis.yml, Travis CI will build Rakudo Perl 6 from the latest commit from the project’s master branch.

Dependency Management #

There is currently no automated dependency management #

At present, by default Travis CI does not automatically manage your project’s dependencies. It is possible to manage dependencies yourself by either downloading and installing your dependencies as part of the install step, or you could use zef (the Perl 6 module package manager) like so:

    - rakudobrew build-zef
    - zef --debug --depsonly install .

this will install the latest zef version.

Further information about overriding dependency installation commands is described in the general build configuration guide.

When overriding build commands, do not use sudo #

When overriding the install: key to tweak dependency installation commands, do not use sudo. Travis CI Environment has Perl 6 versions installed via rakudobrew in a non-privileged user $HOME directory. Using sudo will result in dependencies being installed in unexpected (for the Travis CI Perl 6 builder) locations and they won’t load.

Environment Variable #

The Perl 6 version a job is using is available via:


Examples #

Build and test with the latest Rakudo #

language: perl6

    - latest

    - rakudobrew build-zef
    - zef --debug --depsonly install .

Build and test with multiple Rakudo versions #

language: perl6

    - '2017.05'
    - '2017.04'

    - rakudobrew build-zef
    - zef --debug --depsonly install .

Build and test with the latest Rakudo, but with non-standard lib and test dirs #

Use e.g. src/ for the module library code, and tests/ as the test directory. Please note that it is standard practice to put the module library code under lib/ and the tests under t/.

language: perl6

    - PERL6LIB=src prove --ext .t --ext .t6 -v -r --exec=perl6 tests/

Build Config Reference #

You can find more information on the build config format for Perl6 in our Travis CI Build Config Reference.