
TestFairy Deployment

This page documents deployments using dpl v1 which is currently the legacy version. The dpl v2 is released, and we recommend useig it. Please see our blog post for details. dpl v2 documentation can be found here.

Travis CI can automatically deploy your Android and iOS Apps to TestFairy.

For a minimal configuration, add the following deploy key to your .travis.yml:

  provider: testfairy
  api-key: "TESTFAIRY API KEY"
  app-file: Path to the app file (APK/IPA)

You can find your API key on TestFairy settings page.

Always encrypt your api-key. If you have the Travis CI command line client installed, run the following command in your repository directory:

$ travis encrypt "YOUR API KEY" --add deploy.api-key

Symbols file #

Attach your symbols mapping file so TestFairy can de-obfuscate and symbolize crash reports automatically. Set the symbols-file key to your proguard_mapping.txt file or to a zipped .dSYM file.

  provider: testfairy
  api-key: "TESTFAIRY API KEY"
  app-file: Path to the app file (APK/IPA)
  symbols-file: Path to the symbols file

Invite testers automatically #

To automatically invite testers upon build upload, specify a comma-separated list of groups in the testers-groups key. Set the notify key to true if you want to notify them via email:

  provider: testfairy
  api-key: "TESTFAIRY API KEY"
  app-file: Path to the app file (APK/IPA)
  notify: false
  testers-groups: qa-stuff,friends