GitHub Releases Uploading

This page documents deployments using dpl v1 which currently is the default version. The next major version dpl v2 will be released soon, and we recommend starting to use it. Please see our blog post for details. dpl v2 documentation can be found here.

Travis CI can automatically upload assets to git tags on your GitHub repository.

For a minimal configuration, add the following to your .travis.yml:

  provider: releases
  file: "FILE TO UPLOAD"
  skip_cleanup: true
    tags: true

This configuration will use the “GITHUB OAUTH TOKEN” to upload “FILE TO UPLOAD” (relative to the working directory) on tagged builds.

Make sure you have skip_cleanup set to true, otherwise Travis CI will delete all the files created during the build, which will probably delete what you are trying to upload.

GitHub Releases works with git tags, so it is important that you understand how tags affect GitHub Releases.

Deploying only on tagged builds #

With on.tags: true, your Releases deployment will trigger if and only if the build is a tagged build.

Regular releases #

When the draft option is not set to true (more on this below), a regular release is created. Regular releases require tags. If you set on.tags: true (as the initial example in this document), this requirement is met.

Draft releases with draft: true #


  provider: releases
  file: "FILE TO UPLOAD"
  skip_cleanup: true
  draft: true

the resultant deployment is a draft Release that only repository collaborators can see. This gives you an opportunity to examine and edit the draft release.

Setting the tag at deployment time #

GitHub Releases needs the present commit to be tagged at the deployment time. If you set on.tags: true, the commit is guaranteed to have a tag.

Depending on the workflow, however, this is not desirable.

In such cases, it is possible to postpone setting the tag until you have all the information you need. A natural place to do this is before_deploy. For example:

      # Set up git user name and tag this commit
      - git config --local "YOUR GIT USER NAME"
      - git config --local "YOUR GIT USER EMAIL"
      - export TRAVIS_TAG=${TRAVIS_TAG:-$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')-$(git log --format=%h -1)}
      - git tag $TRAVIS_TAG
      provider: releases
      api_key: "GITHUB OAUTH TOKEN"
      file: "FILE TO UPLOAD"
      skip_cleanup: true

When tag is not set at deployment time #

If the tag is still not set at the time of deployment, the deployment provider attempts to match the current commit with a tag from remote, and if one is found, uses it.

This could be a problem if multiple tags are assigned to the current commit and the one you want is not matched. In such a case, assign the tag you need (the method will depend on your use case) to $TRAVIS_TAG to get around the problem.

If the build commit does not match any tag at deployment time, GitHub creates one when the release is created. The GitHub-generated tags are of the form untagged-*, where * is a random hex string. Notice that this tag is immediately available on GitHub, and thus will trigger a new Travis CI build, unless it is prevented by other means; for instance, by blocklisting /^untagged/.

Overwrite existing files on the release #

If you need to overwrite existing files, add overwrite: true to the deploy section of your .travis.yml.

Using Travis CI client to populate initial deployment configuration #

You can also use the Travis CI command line client to configure your .travis.yml:

travis setup releases

Or, if you’re using a private repository or the GitHub Apps integration:

travis setup releases --com

Authenticating with an OAuth token #

The recommended way to authenticate is to use a GitHub OAuth token. Instead of setting it up manually, it is highly recommended to use travis setup releases, which automatically creates and encrypts a GitHub OAuth token with the correct scopes.

If you can’t use travis setup releases, you can set up the token manually with the following steps:

  1. Create a personal access token on the Github account. It must have the public_repo or repo scope to upload assets.
  2. Encrypt the token using Travis CLI: travis encrypt [super_secret_token]. Note that you must not give the token a name in the encrypt command, as you might for an environment variable.
  3. Add the secure encrypted token to the deploy section of your .travis.yml, under the api_key.

This results in something similar to:

  provider: releases
  file: "FILE TO UPLOAD"
  skip_cleanup: true
    tags: true

Warning: the public_repo and repo scopes for GitHub OAuth tokens grant write access to all of a user’s (public) repositories. For security, it’s ideal for api_key to have the write access limited to only repositories where Travis deploys to GitHub releases. The suggested workaround is to create a machine user — a dummy GitHub account that is granted write access on a per repository basis.

Authentication with a Username and Password #

You can also authenticate with your GitHub username and password using the user and password options. This is not recommended as it allows full access to your GitHub account but is simplest to setup. It is recommended to encrypt your password using travis encrypt "GITHUB PASSWORD" --add deploy.password. This example authenticates using a username and password.

  provider: releases
  password: "GITHUB PASSWORD"
  file: "FILE TO UPLOAD"
  skip_cleanup: true
    tags: true

Deploying to GitHub Enterprise #

If you wish to upload assets to a GitHub Enterprise repository, you must override the $OCTOKIT_API_ENDPOINT environment variable with your GitHub Enterprise API endpoint:


You can configure this in Repository Settings or via your .travis.yml:


Uploading Multiple Files #

You can upload multiple files using yml array notation. This example uploads two files.

  provider: releases
    - "FILE 1"
    - "FILE 2"
  skip_cleanup: true
    tags: true

You can also enable wildcards by setting file_glob to true. This example includes all files in a given directory.

  provider: releases
  file_glob: true
  file: directory/*
  skip_cleanup: true
    tags: true

You can use the glob pattern to recursively find the files:

  provider: releases
  file_glob: true
  file: directory/**/*
  skip_cleanup: true
    tags: true

Please note that all paths in file are relative to the current working directory, not to $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR.

Conditional releases #

You can deploy only when certain conditions are met. See Conditional Releases with on:.

Running commands before or after release #

Sometimes you want to run commands before or after releasing a gem. You can use the before_deploy and after_deploy stages for this. These will only be triggered if Travis CI is actually pushing a release.

before_deploy: "echo 'ready?'"
  - ./
  - ./

Advanced options #

The following options from .travis.yml are passed through to Octokit API’s #create_release and #update_release methods.

  • tag_name
  • target_commitish
  • name
  • body
  • draft (boolean)
  • prerelease (boolean)

Note that formatting in body is not preserved.

Troubleshooting Git Submodules #

GitHub Releases executes a number of git commands during deployment. For this reason, it is important that the working directory is set to the one for which the release will be created, which generally isn’t a problem, but if you clone another repository during the build or use submodules, it is worth double checking.