
Google Cloud Storage Deployment

This page documents deployments using dpl v1 which is currently the legacy version. The dpl v2 is released, and we recommend useig it. Please see our blog post for details. dpl v2 documentation can be found here.

Travis CI supports uploading to Google Cloud Storage (GCS).

A minimal configuration is:

  provider: gcs
  access_key_id: "GCS Interoperable Access Key ID"
  secret_access_key: "GCS Interoperable Access Secret"
  bucket: "GCS Bucket"

This example is almost certainly not ideal, as you probably want to upload your built binaries and documentation. Set skip_cleanup to true to prevent Travis CI from deleting your build artifacts.

  provider: gcs
  access_key_id: "GCS Interoperable Access Key ID"
  secret_access_key: "GCS Interoperable Access Secret"
  bucket: "GCS Bucket"
  skip_cleanup: true

You can find your GCS Interoperable Access Keys here. It is recommended to encrypt that key. Assuming you have the Travis CI command line client installed, you can do it like this:

travis encrypt --add deploy.secret_access_key

You will be prompted to enter your api key on the command line.

You can also have the travis tool set up everything for you:

travis setup gcs

Keep in mind that the above command has to run in your project directory, so it can modify the .travis.yml for you.

Set GCS via ACL #

You can set the ACL of your uploaded files via the acl option like this:

  provider: gcs
  access_key_id: "GCS Interoperable Access Key ID"
  secret_access_key: "GCS Interoperable Access Secret"
  bucket: "GCS Bucket"
  skip_cleanup: true
  acl: public-read

Valid ACL values are: private, public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read, bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control. The ACL defaults to private. See the full documentation on Google Cloud.

Deploy Specific Folders #

You can set a specific directory to be uploaded using local-dir option like this:

  provider: gcs
  access_key_id: "GCS Interoperable Access Key ID"
  secret_access_key: "GCS Interoperable Access Secret"
  bucket: "GCS Bucket"
  skip_cleanup: true
  acl: public-read
  local-dir: directory-name

If the directory-name is generated during build process, it will be deleted (cleaned up) before deploying, unless skip_cleanup is set to true.

Conditional releases #

You can deploy only when certain conditions are met. See Conditional Releases with on:.

Setting a Content-Encoding Header #

GCS uploads can optionally set the HTTP header Content-Encoding. This header allows files to be sent compressed while retaining file extensions and the associated MIME types.

To enable this feature, add:

  provider: gcs
  detect_encoding: true # <== default is false

If the file is compressed with gzip or compress, it will be uploaded with the appropriate header.

HTTP cache control #

GCS uploads can optionally set the Cache-Control HTTP header.

Set the HTTP header Cache-Control to suggest that the browser cache the file. Defaults to no-cache. Valid options are no-cache, no-store, max-age=<seconds>, s-maxage=<seconds> no-transform, public, private.

  provider: gcs
  cache_control: "max-age=31536000"

See the full documentation on Google Cloud.