
Bluemix CloudFoundry Deployment

This page documents deployments using dpl v1 which is currently the legacy version. The dpl v2 is released, and we recommend useig it. Please see our blog post for details. dpl v2 documentation can be found here.

You now have the ability to deploy directly to IBM Bluemix after a successful build on Travis CI.

Grab the code and Deploy #

Go grab the Travis gem from GitHub and run this command:

travis setup bluemixcloudfoundry

You will need the following information about your Bluemix environment: username, password, organization, space, and region. Available Bluemix regions are US South (ng) London (eu-gb), and Sydney (au-syd). Travis offers to encrypt your password, and will take care of the rest. Learn more about managing organizations and spaces.

Write the code and Deploy #

You can also directly edit your .travis.yml. Insert the following to get up and running:

   edge: true
   provider: bluemixcloudfoundry
   password: somewhatsecretpassword
   organization: myawesomeorganization
   space: staging
   manifest: manifest-prod.yml          # (optional)  Defaults to manifest.yml.
   app_name: My app name                # (optional)
   region: eu-gb                        # (optional)  [ng, eu-gb , au-syd] Defaults to US South region (ng).
   api:      # (optional)  Overrides region setting if specified for Bluemix local installations.

Make sure that you encrypt your password before pushing your updated .travis.yml to GitHub.

You can do this using the Travis gem by running:

travis encrypt --add deploy.password

If your password includes symbols (such as braces, parentheses, backslashes, and pipe symbols), you must escape those symbols before running travis encrypt.

Conditional releases #

You can deploy only when certain conditions are met. See Conditional Releases with on:.