
GitHub Releases Uploading

This page documents deployments using the dpl v2. Please see our blog post for details. You can check previous dpl v1 documentation here.

Travis CI can automatically upload assets to git tags on your GitHub repository.

For a minimal configuration, add the following to your .travis.yml:

  provider: releases
  token: <encrypted token>
  file: <file>
  edge: true # opt in to dpl v2
    tags: true

This configuration will use the given GitHub OAuth token to upload the specified file (relative to the working directory) on tagged builds.

Status #

Support for deployments to GitHub Releases is stable.

Known options #

Use the following options to further configure the deployment. Either token or username and password are required.

token GitHub oauth token (needs public_repo or repo permission) — secret, type: string, alias: api_key
username GitHub login name — type: string, alias: user
password GitHub password — secret, type: string
repo GitHub repo slug — type: string, default: repo slug
file File or glob to release to GitHub — type: string or array of strings, default: *
file_glob Interpret files as globs — type: boolean, default: true
overwrite Overwrite files with the same name — type: boolean
prerelease Identify the release as a prerelease — type: boolean
release_number Release number (override automatic release detection) — type: string
release_notes Content for the release notes — type: string, alias: body
release_notes_file Path to a file containing the release notes — type: string, note: will be ignored if –release_notes is given
draft Identify the release as a draft — type: boolean
tag_name Git tag from which to create the release — type: string
target_commitish Commitish value that determines where the Git tag is created from — type: string
name Name for the release — type: string

Shared options #

cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment — type: boolean
run Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully — type: string or array of strings

Environment variables #

All options can be given as environment variables if prefixed with GITHUB_ or RELEASES_.

For example, token can be given as

  • GITHUB_TOKEN=<token> or
  • RELEASES_TOKEN=<token>

Securing secrets #

Secret option values should be given as either encrypted strings in your build configuration (.travis.yml file) or environment variables in your repository settings.

Environment variables can be set on the settings page of your repository, or using travis env set:

travis env set GITHUB_TOKEN <token>

In order to encrypt option values when adding them to your .travis.yml file use travis encrypt:

travis encrypt <token>

Or use --add to directly add it to your .travis.yml file. Note that this command has to be run in your repository’s root directory:

travis encrypt --add deploy.token <token>

OAuth token Authentication #

The recommended way to authenticate is to use a GitHub OAuth token with the public_repo or repo scope to upload assets.

The public_repo and repo scopes for GitHub oauth tokens grant write access to all of a user’s (public) repositories. For security, it’s ideal for token to have write access limited to only repositories where Travis deploys to GitHub releases. The suggested workaround is to create a machine user — a GitHub account that is granted write access on a per repository basis.

Username and password Authentication #

You can also authenticate with your GitHub username and password using the user and password options.

  provider: releases
  user: <user>
  password: <password>
  # ⋮

Regular releases #

When the draft option is not set to true (see below), a regular release is created.

Regular releases require tags. If you set on.tags: true (as the initial example in this document), this requirement is met.

Draft releases #


  provider: releases
  # ⋮
  draft: true

the resulting deployment is a draft release that only repository collaborators can see.

This gives you an opportunity to examine and edit the draft release.

Set the tag at deployment time #

GitHub Releases needs the present commit to be tagged at the deployment time. If you set on.tags: true, the commit is guaranteed to have a tag. Depending on the workflow, however, this is not desirable.

In such cases, it is possible to postpone setting the tag until you have all the information you need. A natural place to do this is before_deploy.

For example:

  # Set up git user name and tag this commit
  - git config --local "YOUR GIT USER NAME"
  - git config --local "YOUR GIT USER EMAIL"
  - export TRAVIS_TAG=${TRAVIS_TAG:-$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')-$(git log --format=%h -1)}
  - git tag $TRAVIS_TAG
  provider: releases
  # ⋮

When the tag is not set at deployment time #

If the tag is still not set at the time of deployment, the deployment provider attempts to match the current commit with a tag from remote, and if one is found, uses it.

This could be a problem if multiple tags are assigned to the current commit and the one you want is not matched.

In such a case, assign the tag you need (the method will depend on your use case) to $TRAVIS_TAG to get around the problem.

If the build commit does not match any tag at deployment time, GitHub creates one when the release is created.

The GitHub-generated tags are of the form untagged-*, where * is a random hex string.

Notice that this tag is immediately available on GitHub, and thus will trigger a new Travis CI build, unless it is prevented by other means; for instance, by blocklisting /^untagged/.

Overwrite existing files on the release #

If you need to overwrite existing files, use the option overwrite:

  provider: releases
  # ⋮
  overwrite: true

Deploy to GitHub Enterprise #

In order to upload assets to a GitHub Enterprise repository, override the $OCTOKIT_API_ENDPOINT environment variable with your GitHub Enterprise API endpoint:


You can configure this in Repository Settings or via your .travis.yml:

    - OCTOKIT_API_ENDPOINT=<endpoint>

Upload Multiple Files #

You can upload multiple files using yml array notation. This example uploads two files.

  provider: releases
  # ⋮
    - file-1
    - file-2

The option file by default takes a glob, so you can express the same as:

  provider: releases
  # ⋮
  file: {file-1,file-2}

Note that all paths in file are relative to the current working directory, not to $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR.

Troubleshoot Git Submodules #

GitHub Releases executes a number of git commands during deployment. For this reason, it is important that the working directory is set to the one for which the release will be created, which generally isn’t a problem, but if you clone another repository during the build or use submodules, it is worth double checking.

Pull Requests #

Note that pull request builds skip the deployment step altogether.

See also #