
Setup Travis CI Enterprise Worker Machine

The Travis CI Enterprise Worker machine manages build containers, and reports build statuses to the platform. It must be installed on a separate machine instance from the Platform. We recommend using compute optimized instance with 8vCPU and 16GB RAM running with Ubuntu 16.04 or later.

Prerequisites #

  1. Enterprise 3.x or Enterprise 2.x Platform is set up
  2. You need the RabbitMQ password and the hostname from the Platform Dashboard.

Travis CI Worker Setup #

  1. On your virtual machine management platform, create a Travis CI Worker Security Group

    If you’re setting up Worker image for the first time, you will need to create a Security Group or Firewall rules. From the management console, create an entry for each port in the table below:

    Port Service Description
    22 SSH Allow inbound SSH traffic in order to access the Worker Machine from your local machine.
  2. On your new virtual machine, download and run the following installation script:

     $ curl -sSL -o /tmp/
     $ sudo bash /tmp/ --travis_enterprise_host="<enterprise host>" --travis_enterprise_security_token="<rabbitmq password>"

Install Workers behind a web proxy #

If you are behind a web proxy and Docker fails to download the image(s), when you run the worker installation script, edit /etc/default/docker and set your proxy there. Then, rerun the installation script.

If you need Docker itself to use an HTTP proxy, export it before each docker command:

export http_proxy="http://proxy.mycompany.corp:8080/" docker <COMMAND>

Older versions of Travis CI Enterprise #

Travis CI Enterprise Version Default Worker Version Alternative Worker Versions Worker Status
Enterprise 2.2+ Trusty (14.04) Precise (Legacy, 12.04) Deprecated
Enterprise 2.1.9+ Precise (Legacy, 12.04) Trusty (14.04) Deprecated
Enterprise 2.0+ Precise (Legacy, 12.04) Deprecated

After setting up a new instance for the worker, please follow the respective guides for your Travis CI Enterprise version.

LXD Worker Setup #

  1. On your virtual machine management platform, create a Travis CI Worker Security Group

    If you’re setting up Worker image for the first time, you will need to create a Security Group or Firewall rules. From the management console, create an entry for each port in the table below:

    Port Service Description
    22 SSH Allow inbound SSH traffic in order to access the Worker Machine from your local machine.
  2. On your new virtual machine, download and run the following installation script:

     $ curl -sSL -o /tmp/
     $ sudo bash /tmp/ --travis_enterprise_host="<enterprise host>" --travis_enterprise_security_token="<rabbitmq password>" --travis_build_images_arch=”<architecture>”

    Focal images are installed by default; you can change this by providing a --travis_build_images parameter.

Advanced Configuration #

You can change the LXC storage for instances from the default by using a --travis_storage_for_instances flag. You can change the LXC storage for data from the default by using a --travis_storate_for_data flag.

By default, the installer creates an IP4 network for LXC and assigns address to it. The IP6 network is off by default. To alter these parameters, use the following installation flags:
