
Enterprise Platform Administration Tips

This page collects FAQs and day-to-day Travis CI Enterprise (TCIE) Platform maintenance scripts and tools.

TCIE 3.x: Please use kubectl on your local machine to access your Platform pods

Inspect Logs and Run Services #

The following section describes how to inspect logs on different platforms and how to run the services.

Platform logs in TCIE 3.x #

In TCIE 3.x, each service is deployed in a separate pod. The service logs are not stored within a pod and are delivered to stdout.

In order to obtain live logs from a specific running pod, one can run on your local machine

kubectl logs [pod-name]

We strongly recommend setting up an instance of grabbing live logs from pods stdout and storing them in the logging storage of your choice. These stored logs can be useful when diagnosing or troubleshooting situations for pods that were killed and/or re-deployed. The size of the logs depends strictly on your usage, thus please adjust to your needs. As a rule of thumb, a 4-weeks of log storage would be recommended.

Worker logs #

This section describes how to obtain worker logs with Ubuntu as the host operating system.

With Ubuntu 16.04 and higher #

On the Worker, you can obtain the worker logs by running:

$ sudo journalctl -u travis-worker

With Ubuntu 14.04 #

On the Worker, you can find the main log file at /var/log/upstart/travis-worker.log

Access Travis Container and Console on the Platform #

Console access in TCIE 3.x #

For TCIE 3.x, you gain access to individual pods through the kubectl command (The equivalent to travis bash in Enterprise 2.x versions) In order to run console commands, run the console in travis-api-pod:

kubectl exec -it [travis-api-pod] /app/script/console

Cancel or Reset Stuck Jobs #

Occasionally, jobs can get stuck in a queued state on the worker. To cancel or reset a large number of jobs, please execute the following steps:

TCIE 3.x: kubectl exec -it [travis-api-pod]j /app/script/console on your local machine

Then, please run:

>> stuck_jobs = Job.where(queue: 'builds.linux', state: 'queued').where('queued_at < NOW() - interval \'60 minutes\'').all
>> # Cancels all stuck jobs
>> stuck_jobs.each(&:cancel!)
>> # Or reset them
>> stuck_jobs.each(&:reset!)

Clear Redis Archive Queue (V2.1.7 and prior) #

In Enterprise releases before 2.1.7, jobs were enqueued in the archive queue for log aggregation. Currently, this feature is available only for the hosted versions of Travis CI.

This results in the queue growing bigger and bigger but not getting worked off. Because of that, Redis’ memory consumption increases over time and can lead to decreased performance of the whole platform. The solution is to clear the archive queue to free system resources.

To clear it, please execute the following command:

TCIE 3.x: kubectl exec -it [travis-api-pod]j /app/script/console on your local machine

Then, please run:

>> require 'sidekiq/api'

Manage RabbitMQ in TCIE 3.x #

RabbitMQ is now deployed in a separate pod named travisci-platform-rabbitmq-ha-0, and all Rabbit-related maintenance should be done there. In order to access the RabbitMQ pod, execute

kubectl exec -it travisci-platform-rabbitmq-ha-0 bash

and perform any necessary actions.

The RabbitMQ management UI is available under https://[platform-hostname]/amqp_ui.

View Sidekiq Queue Statistics #

In the past, there have been reported cases where the system became unresponsive. It took quite a while until jobs were worked off, or they weren’t picked up at all. We found out that full Sidekiq queues often played a part in this. To get some insight, it helps to retrieve some basic statistics in the Ruby console:

TCIE 3.x: kubectl exec -it [travis-api-pod]j /app/script/console on your local machine

Then, please run:

  >> require 'sidekiq/api'
  => true
  >> stats =
  >> stats.queues
  => {"sync.low"=>315316,

Uninstall Travis CI Enterprise 3.x #

If you wish to uninstall Travis CI Enterprise 3.x from your Kubernetes cluster, please execute:

kubectl delete ns [namespace] on your local machine

On the worker machine, you need to run this command to remove travis-worker and all build images:

$ sudo docker images | grep travis | awk '{print $3}' | xargs sudo docker rmi -f

Discover the Maximum Available Concurrency #

To find out how much concurrency is available in your Travis CI Enterprise setup:

TCIE 3.x: kubectl exec -it travisci-platform-rabbitmq-ha-0 bash on your local machine

Then, please run:

root@te-main:/# rabbitmqctl list_consumers -p travis | grep builds.trusty | wc -l

The number that’s returned here is equal to the maximum number of concurrent jobs that are available. To adjust concurrency, please follow the instructions here for each worker machine.

Discover how many Worker Machines are Connected #

If you wish to find out how many worker machines are currently connected, please follow these steps:

TCIE 3.x: kubectl exec -it travisci-platform-rabbitmq-ha-0 bash

Then, please run:

root@te-main:/# rabbitmqctl list_consumers -p travis | grep amq.gen- | wc -l

If you need to boot more worker machines, please see our docs about installing new worker machines.

Integrate Travis CI Enterprise into your Monitoring #

To check if your Travis CI Enterprise 3.x installation is up and running, query the /api/uptime endpoint of your instance.

$ curl -H "Authorization: token XXXXX" https://<your-travis-ci-enterprise-domain>/api/uptime

If everything is up and running, it answers with a HTTP 200 OK, or in case of failure with an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.

Configure Backups #

This section explains how you integrate Travis CI Enterprise into your backup strategy. Here, we’ll talk about two topics:

Encryption key #

Without the encryption key, you cannot access the information in your production database. To ensure you can always recover your database, make a backup of this key.

Without the encryption key, the information in the database is not recoverable.

To make a backup of encryption keys in TCIE 3.x, please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have appropriate access to the kubernetes cluster: you need credentials for kubectl and connection to [travis-api-pod]
  2. Run kubectl exec -it [travis-api-pod] cat /app/config/travis.yml |grep -A 2 encryption (using Travis API pod is recommended).
  3. Create a backup of the value returned by that command by either writing it down on a piece of paper or storing it on a different computer.

To make a backup of encryption keys in TCIE 2.x, please follow these steps:

  1. Open an SSH connection to the platform machine.
  2. Open a bash session with root privileges on the Travis CI container by running travis bash.
  3. Run the following command to obtain the key: grep -A1 encryption: /usr/local/travis/etc/travis/config/travis.yml.
  4. Create a backup of the value returned by the previous command by either writing it down on a piece of paper or storing it on a different computer.

Create a backup of the data directories #

Unless you run self-hosted PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, and Redis instances, the respective data is held in pods hosting these services.

In order to back up the Postgres database, you need the database credentials and connection string. On the TCIE 3.x Platform pod, please run:

kubectl exec -it [travis-api-pod] bash

Once you’re connected to the pod, grab the database configuration data:

root@[travis-api-pod]:/app# cat /app/config/travis.yml | grep database -A 10

You are looking for nodes database: and logs_database:. Note down from the result:

  # ....
  host: [main db host name]
  port: [main db port]
  database: [main db name]
  username: [user name]
  password: [password]
  urls: postgres://[username]:[password]@[logs db host name]:[port]/[database name]

Next, connect to the database pod and perform data dumps for each database:

root@[travis-api-pod]:/# pg_dump -U travis -h [main database pod] -p [main database port] -C -d [main db name] > [Main DB].sql
root@[travis-api-pod]:/# pg_dump -U travis -h [logs database pod] -p [logs database port] -C -d [logs db name] > [Logs DB].sql

Afterward, copy the dumped data from your cluster, running on your local machine:

kubectl cp [travis-api-pod]:/[location of [Main DB].sql] [local_file] 
kubectl cp [travis-api-pod]:/[location of [Logs DB].sql] [local_file] 

In case you would like to run pg_dump straight from the DB pod: Database pods in TCIE 3.x cluster in non-HA deployment should be named travisci-platform-platform-postgresql-0 and travisci-platform-logs-postgresql-0

Also, you need to connect to the Redis and RabbitMQ pods, perform data dumps, and copy them out of the cluster in a similar way, using tools available for these services. See the respective parts of Redis documentation and RabbitMQ Backup & Restore guide for exact instructions on how to snapshot/backup the current state of data.

Migrate from GitHub Services to Webhooks #

Travis CI Enterprise initially used GitHub Services to connect your repositories with (or GitHub Enterprise). As of January 31st, 2019, services have been disabled on Services will also be disabled on GitHub Enterprise starting with GitHub Enterprise v2.17.0.

Starting with Travis CI Enterprise v2.2.5, all repositories that are activated use webhooks to connect and manage communication with Enterprise.

Repositories activated before Travis CI Enterprise v2.2.5 may need to be updated.

Starting with Travis CI Enterprise v2.2.8, a migration tool to automatically update repositories is available. The migration tool will update repositories using the deprecated GitHub services instead of webhooks.

To perform an automatic migration, please follow these steps:

kubectl exec -it [travis-api-pod] bash
root@[travis-api-pod]:/# bundle exec /app/bin/migrate_hooks <optional-year>

This will search for all active repositories still using GitHub Services and migrate them to webhooks instead.

You can provide a year argument (e.g., 2017) in the above command to only migrate repositories activated on Travis CI Enterprise during that year.

If you have a large number of repositories activated on your Travis CI Enterprise installation, please run the migration several times, breaking it down per year. For example:

kubectl exec -it [travis-api-pod] bash
root@[travis-api-pod]:/# bundle exec /app/bin/migrate_hooks 2019
root@[travis-api-pod]:/# bundle exec /app/bin/migrate_hooks 2018
root@[travis-api-pod]:/# bundle exec /app/bin/migrate_hooks 2017

You should not experience any behavior change with your repositories after the migration is complete.

Contact Enterprise Support #

To get in touch with us, please write a message to If possible, please include as much of the following as you can:

  • Description of the problem - what are you observing?
  • Which steps did you try already?
  • A support bundle (see table below on how to obtain it)
  • Log files from all workers (They can be found at /var/log/upstart/travis-worker.log - please include as many as you can retrieve).
  • If a build failed or errored, a text file of the build log
TCI Enterprise version Support bundle
3.x Run kubectl kots admin-console -n [namespace] to access admin console on http://localhost:8800
Support bundle generation instruction is available in ‘troubleshoot’ menu or directly at: http://localhost:8800/app/tci-enterprise-kots/troubleshoot

A command for generating support bundle will appear after selecting:
If you'd prefer, [click here]() to get a command to manually generate a support bundle.
2.x+ You can get it from https://<your-travis-ci-enterprise-domain>:8800/support

Since the announcement in Q3 2020, the most up to date version of Travis CI Enterprise is 3.x line. There are not any new releases for version 2.2 and the support patches has been limited since March 2021 as well. For existing users of Travis CI 2.x we strongly recommend upgrading to the latest Travis CI Enterprise 3.x.

Have you made any customizations to your setup? While we may be able to see some information (such as hostname, IaaS provider, and license expiration), there are many other things we cannot see which could lead to something not working. Therefore, we would like to ask you to also answer the questions below in your support request (if applicable):

  • How many machines are you using / what is your Kubernetes cluster setup?
  • Do you use configuration management tools (Chef, Puppet)?
  • Which other services do interface with Travis CI Enterprise?
  • Which Version Control system (VCS) do you use together with Travis CI Enterprise (e.g., GitHub Enterprise, or BitBucket Cloud)?
  • If you are using GitHub Enterprise, which version of it?

We are looking forward to helping!