Build Stages: Deploying to Heroku

This example has 5 build stages:

  • Two jobs running unit tests in parallel on stage 1.
  • One job deploying the application to Heroku staging.
  • One job testing the staging deployment on Heroku.
  • One job deploying the application to Heroku production.
  • One job testing the production deployment on Heroku.

Here’s what the .travis.yml config could look like:

    - stage: unit tests
      script: "Running unit tests (1)"
    - stage: unit tests
      script: "Running unit tests (2)"
    - stage: deploy to staging
      script: skip
      deploy: &heroku
        provider: heroku
        app: sf-stages-staging
        api_key: $HEROKU_AUTH_TOKEN
    - stage: test staging
      script: 'curl'
    - stage: deploy to production
      script: skip
        <<: *heroku
        app: sf-stages-production
    - stage: test production
      script: 'curl'

This is how the build matrix would look like:


You can find the code for this example on our demo repository: