


Our most recent API is V3, which is has its own API Explorer. If you’re new to the Travis CI API, you should be using API V3.

The API V2 described on this page will be deprecated sometime in 2018.

API V2.1

API V2.1 is identical to API V2 except for the following changes:

Previous behavior for V2 is that these requests receive an 401 error.

A similar pattern of HTTP response codes applies to other endpoints such us /builds, /branches, /jobs and /requests.

To use API V2.1 set the Accept header of your API request to application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json.

Making Requests

GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Host: api.travis-ci.org
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Authorization: token "YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN"
Host: api.travis-ci.com
GET /api HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Authorization: token "YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN"
Host: travis.example.com

The first thing you need to know is what API URL endpoint to use:

When you write your own Travis CI client, please keep the following in mind:

Client libraries will usually set these headers automatically.

External APIs

GET /config HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Host: api.travis-ci.org
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "config": {
    "host": "travis-ci.org",
    "pusher": { "key": "5df8ac576dcccf4fd076" },
    "github": {
      "api_url": "https://api.github.com",
      "scopes": [
        "read:org", "user:email", "repo_deployment",
        "repo:status", "write:repo_hook"

Travis CI integrates with external services, some of which your client library might want to interface with directly. Most prominently, it uses GitHub as source for users, organizations and repositories, and Pusher for live streaming logs.

You can ask the API for the connection details to these services by loading the config endpoint.

This includes, amongst other things:


GET /users HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Host: api.travis-ci.org
Authorization: token "YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN"

To authenticate against Travis CI, you need an API access token.

You can retrieve a token by using a GitHub token to prove who you are. In the future, we are planning to add a proper OAuth handshake for third party applications.

It is also possible to get your API token from your Travis CI profile page for public repositories or private repositories.

With a GitHub token

POST /auth/github HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Host: api.travis-ci.org
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 37

{"github_token":"YOUR GITHUB TOKEN"}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

{"access_token":"YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN"}

If you have a GitHub token, you can use the GitHub authentication endpoint to exchange it for an access token. The Travis API server will not store the token or use it for anything else than verifying the user account.

Note that therefore the API cannot be used to create new user accounts. The user will have to log in at least once via the web interface before interfacing with the API by other means.

Creating a temporary GitHub token

POST /authorizations HTTP/1.1
Host: api.github.com
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic ...

  "scopes": [
    "read:org", "user:email", "repo_deployment",
    "repo:status", "write:repo_hook"
  "note": "temporary token to auth against travis"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": 1,
  "url": "https://api.github.com/authorizations/1",
  "scopes": [
    "read:org", "user:email", "repo_deployment",
    "repo:status", "write:repo_hook"
  "token": "YOUR GITHUB TOKEN",
  "note": "temporary token to auth against travis"
POST /auth/github HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Host: api.travis-ci.org
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 37

{"github_token":"YOUR GITHUB TOKEN"}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

{"access_token":"YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN"}
DELETE /authorizations/1 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.github.com
Authorization: Basic ...

Since Travis CI will not store the GitHub token handed to it for authentication, it is possible to generate a temporary GitHub token and remove it again after the authentication handshake.

To create and delete the GitHub token, you can either use the GitHub web interface or automate it via the GitHub API.

Make sure your GitHub token has the scopes required by Travis CI.

If you automate this process, authentication will become a handshake consisting of three requests:

Some client libraries will automate this handshake for you.

GitHub OAuth handshake

Triggering an OAuth handshake between GitHub and Travis CI:

<a href="https://api.travis-ci.com/auth/handshake">log in</a>

Running the OAuth handshake in an iframe:

  window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {
    console.log("received token: " + event.data.token);

  var iframe = $('<iframe />').hide();
  iframe.attr('src', "https://api.travis-ci.org/auth/post_message");

You can also trigger a full OAuth handshake between Travis CI and GitHub by opening /auth/handshake in a web browser. The endpoint takes an optional redirect_uri query parameter, which takes a URL the web browser will end up on if the handshake is successful.

There is an alternative version of this that will try to run the handshake in a hidden iframe and using window.postMessage to hand the token to the website embedding the iframe. This endpoint will only work for safelisted websites.



GET /accounts HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Host: api.travis-ci.org
Authorization: token "YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

   "accounts" : [
         "repos_count" : 167,
         "name" : "Konstantin Haase",
         "type" : "user",
         "id" : 267,
         "login" : "rkh"
         "repos_count" : 70,
         "name" : "Travis CI",
         "type" : "organization",
         "id" : 87,
         "login" : "travis-ci"

A user might have access to multiple accounts. This is usually the account corresponding to the user directly and one account per GitHub organization.


Attribute Description
id user or organization id
name account name on GitHub
login account login on GitHub
type user or organization
repos_count number of repositories
subscribed whether or not the account has a valid subscription

The subscribed attribute is only available on Travis Pro.

List accounts

GET /accounts

Parameter Default Description
all false whether or not to include accounts the user does not have admin access to

This request always needs to be authenticated.


GET /repos/rails/rails/branches HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Host: api.travis-ci.org
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "branches": [
      "id": 22554234,
      "repository_id": 891,
      "commit_id": 6534402,
      "number": "15184",
      "config": {},
      "state": "created",
      "started_at": "2014-04-08T00:17:34Z",
      "finished_at": "2014-04-08T00:48:59Z",
      "duration": 30546,
      "job_ids": [],
      "pull_request": false

The branches API can be used to get information about the latest build on a given branch.


See builds.

List Branches

This will list the latest 25 branches.

GET /repos/{repository.id}/branches

GET /repos/{+repository.slug}/branches

Show Branch

GET /repos/{repository.id}/branches/{branch}

GET /repos/{+repository.slug}/branches/{branch}


GET /broadcasts HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Authorization: token YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN
Host: api.travis-ci.org
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "broadcasts": [
      "id": 42,
      "message": "We're switching our build infrastructure on April 29."


Attribute Description
id broadcast id
message broadcast message

List Broadcasts

GET /broadcasts

This request always needs to be authenticated.


GET /repos/sinatra/sinatra/builds HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Host: api.travis-ci.org
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "builds": [
      "commit_id": 6534711,
      "config": { },
      "duration": 2648,
      "finished_at": "2014-04-08T19:52:56Z",
      "id": 22555277,
      "job_ids": [22555278, 22555279, 22555280, 22555281],
      "number": "784",
      "pull_request": true,
      "pull_request_number": "1912",
      "pull_request_title": "Example PR",
      "repository_id": 82,
      "started_at": "2014-04-08T19:37:44Z",
      "state": "failed"
  "jobs": [ ],
  "commits": [ ]


Attribute Description
id build id
repository_id repository id
commit_id commit id
number build number
pull_request true or false
pull_request_title PR title if pull_request is true
pull_request_number PR number if pull_request is true
config build config (secure values and ssh key removed)
state build state
started_at time the build was started
finished_at time the build finished
duration build duration
job_ids list of job ids in the build matrix

Note that duration might not correspond to finished_at - started_at if the build was restarted at a later point.

List Builds

GET /builds

Parameter Default Description
ids list of build ids to fetch
repository_id repository id the build belongs to
slug repository slug the build belongs to
number filter by build number, requires slug or repository_id
after_number list build after a given build number (use for pagination), requires slug or repository_id
event_type limit build to given event type (push or pull_request)

You have to supply either ids, repository_id or slug.

GET /repos/{repository.id}/builds

Parameter Default Description
number filter by build number
after_number list build after a given build number (use for pagination)
event_type limit build to given event type (push or pull_request)

GET /repos/{+repository.slug}/builds

Parameter Default Description
number filter by build number
after_number list build after a given build number (use for pagination)
event_type limit build to given event type (push or pull_request)

Show Build

GET /builds/{build.id}

GET /repos/{repository.id}/builds/{build.id}

GET /repos/{+repository.slug}/builds/{build.id}

Cancel Build

POST /builds/{build.id}/cancel

This request always needs to be authenticated.

Restart Build

POST /builds/{build.id}/restart

This request always needs to be authenticated.


GET /repos/travis-pro/billing/caches HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Authorization: token YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN
Host: api.travis-ci.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "caches": [
      "repository_id": 51007,
      "size": 103677795,
      "slug": "cache--rvm-2.0.0--gemfile-Gemfile",
      "branch": "master",
      "last_modified": "2014-03-06T16:19:49Z"


Attribute Description
repository_id id of the repository the cache belongs to
size compressed cache size in bytes
slug cache slug (generated from env)
branch branch the cache is for
last_modified last time the cache was updated

List caches

GET /repos/{repository.id}/caches

GET /repos/{+repository.slug}/caches

Parameter Default Description
branch limit listed caches to those on given branch
match limit listed caches to those with slug containing the given value

This request always needs to be authenticated.

Delete caches

DELETE /repos/{repository.id}/caches

DELETE /repos/{+repository.slug}/caches

Parameter Default Description
branch only delete caches on given branch
match only delete caches with slug containing the given value

This request always needs to be authenticated.


GET /repos/sinatra/sinatra/builds HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Host: api.travis-ci.org
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "builds": [ ],
  "jobs": [ ],
  "commits": [
      "id": 118789812,
      "sha": "180158b725b8a964711ef8bdb3c8cbaf53d2e6a3",
      "branch": "master",
      "tag": null,
      "message": "Merge pull request #1452 from greysteil/metadata-link\n\nAdd metadata link to gemspec",
      "committed_at": "2018-06-24T16:50:16Z",
      "author_name": "namusyaka",
      "author_email": "namusyaka@gmail.com",
      "committer_name": "GitHub",
      "committer_email": "noreply@github.com",
      "compare_url": "https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra/compare/1caeafec67e9...180158b725b8",
      "pull_request_number": null

There is no API endpoint for resolving commits, however commit data might be included in other API responses, like builds or jobs.


Attribute Description
id commit id
sha commit sha
branch branch the commit is on
message commit message
committed_at commit date
author_name author name
author_email author email
committer_name committer name
committer_email committer email
compare_url link to diff on GitHub


PUT /hooks HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Authorization: token YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN
Host: api.travis-ci.org
Content-Type: application/json

  "hook": {
    "id": 42,
    "active": true


See repository.

List Hooks

GET /hooks

This request always needs to be authenticated.

Enable/Disable Hook

PUT /hooks

Parameter Default Description
hook[id] id of the hook/repository
hook[active] false whether to turn hook on (true) or off (false)

PUT /hooks/{hook.id}

Parameter Default Description
hook[active] false whether to turn hook on (true) or off (false)

This request always needs to be authenticated.


POST /jobs/42/restart HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Authorization: token YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN
Host: api.travis-ci.org


Attribute Description
id job id
build_id build id
repository_id repository id
commit_id commit id
log_id log id
number job number
config job config (secure values and ssh key removed)
state job state
started_at time the job was started
finished_at time the job finished
queue job queue
allow_failure whether or not job state influences build state

Fetch Job

GET /jobs/{job.id}

Fetch multiple jobs

Parameter Default Description
ids list of job ids
state job state to filter by
queue job queue to filter by

You need to provide exactly one of the above parameters. If you provide state or queue, a maximum of 250 jobs will be returned.

Cancel Job

POST /jobs/{job.id}/cancel

This request always needs to be authenticated.

Restart Job

POST /jobs/{job.id}/restart

This request always needs to be authenticated.


GET /jobs/42/log HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: text/plain
Host: api.travis-ci.org
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type text/plain

Using worker: ...


Attribute Description
id log id
job_id job id
body log body

Chunked Attributes

You can retrieve the chunked attributes instead of the normal attributes by adding the attribute chunked=true to the mime-type specified in the Accept header.

Attribute Description
id log id
job_id job id
parts log parts

The parts will be an array of JSON objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Description
number part number
content part content

Fetching a Log

GET /logs/{log.id}

Fetching Logs as plain text

GET /jobs/{job.id}/logs

This might be necessary if the log has been archived, in which case it will result in a redirect.

Streaming Logs

To stream the logs, you will have to subscribe to the channel for the job the log belongs to on Pusher (channel is job-{job.id}) and listen for job:log events. The payload will have the same format as parts have in the chunked attributes API payloads.


GET /users/permissions HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Authorization: token YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN
Host: api.travis-ci.org
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "permissions": [1, 2, 3],
  "admin": [1, 2],
  "pull": [],
  "push": [3]

The permissions endpoint will return arrays of repository ids:

Key ids for
permissions repositories the user has access to
admin repositories the user has admin access to
pull repositories the user has pull access to
push repositories the user has push access to

The pull access list is only relevant for private projects.

Fetch Permissions

GET /users/permissions

This request always needs to be authenticated.

Repository Keys

GET /repos/sinatra/sinatra/key HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Authorization: token YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN
Host: api.travis-ci.org
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "key": "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\\nMIGJAoGBAOcx131amMqIzm5+FbZz+DhIgSDbFzjKKpzaN5UWVCrLSc57z64xxTV6\\nkaOTZmjCWz6WpaPkFZY+czfL7lmuZ/Y6UNm0vupvdZ6t27SytFFGd1/RJlAe89tu\\nGcIrC1vtEvQu2frMLvHqFylnGd5Gy64qkQT4KRhMsfZctX4z5VzTAgMBAAE=\\n-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\\n",
  "fingerprint": "ef:39:56:6e:2a:09:a2:10:2e:b5:39:ac:3d:3e:e1:05"
Attribute Description
key public key
fingerprint fingerprint for the public key

This key can be used to encrypt (but not decrypt) secure env vars.

Fetch a Public Key

GET /repos/{repository.id}/key

GET /repos/{+repository.slug}/key

Generate a Public Key

POST /repos/{repository.id}/key

POST /repos/{+repository.slug}/key

This will invalidate the current key, thus also rendering all encrypted variables invalid.

This request always needs to be authenticated.


GET /repos/sinatra/sinatra HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Authorization: token YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN
Host: api.travis-ci.org
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "repo": {
    "id": 82,
    "slug": "sinatra/sinatra",
    "description": "Classy web-development dressed in a DSL",
    "last_build_id": 23436881,
    "last_build_number": "792",
    "last_build_state": "passed",
    "last_build_duration": 2542,
    "last_build_started_at": "2014-04-21T15:27:14Z",
    "last_build_finished_at": "2014-04-21T15:40:04Z",
    "active": "true"


Attribute Description
id repository id
slug repository slug
description description on github
last_build_id build id of the last build
last_build_number build number of the last build
last_build_state build state of the last build
last_build_duration build duration of the last build
last_build_started_at build started at of the last build
last_build_finished_at build finished at of the last build
active repository’s active status

Fetch Repository

GET /repos/{repository.id}

GET /repos/{+repository.slug}

Find Repositories

Parameter Default Description
ids list of repository ids to fetch, cannot be combined with other parameters
member filter by user that has access to it (github login)
owner_name filter by owner name (first segment of slug)
slug filter by slug
search filter by search term
active false if true, will only return repositories that are enabled

If no parameters are given, a list or repositories with recent activity is returned.


GET /requests/6301283 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Authorization: token YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN
Host: api.travis-ci.org
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "request": {
    "id": 6301283,
    "repository_id": 1121945,
    "commit_id": 5904016,
    "created_at": "2014-03-08T15:54:07Z",
    "owner_id": 4279,
    "owner_type": "Organization",
    "event_type": "push",
    "result": "accepted",
    "pull_request": false,
    "branch": "feat-container-injector"
  "commit": {
    "id": 5904016,
    "sha": "09e2ce14f1debea64a1122851fc3f8f1c1a18ebc",
    "branch": "feat-container-injector",
    "message": "don't inject the service_container",
    "committed_at": "2014-03-08T15:53:42Z",
    "author_name": "Sebastiaan Stok",
    "author_email": "s.stok@rollerscapes.net",
    "committer_name": "Sebastiaan Stok",
    "committer_email": "s.stok@rollerscapes.net",
    "compare_url": "https://github.com/..."

Requests can be used to see if and why a GitHub event has or has not triggered a new build.


Attribute Description
id request id
commit_id commit id
repository_id repository id
created_at created at
owner_id owner id
owner_type owner type ("User" or "Organization")
event_type event type ("push" or "pull_request")
base_commit base commit for pull requests
head_commit head commit for pull requests
result "accepted", "rejected" or null
message human readable message explaining why event has been rejected
pull_request true or false
pull_request_number pull request number
pull_request_title pull request title
branch branch commit is on
tag tag if commit has been tagged

Show Request

GET /requests/{request.id}

List Requests

GET /requests

Parameter Default Description
repository_id repository id the requests belong to
slug repository slug the requests belong to
limit 25 maximum number of requests to return (cannot be larger than 100)
older_than list requests before older_than (with older_than being a request id)

You have to either provide repository_id or slug.

Settings: General

GET /repos/82/settings HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Authorization: token YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN
Host: api.travis-ci.org
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "settings": {
    "builds_only_with_travis_yml": true,
    "build_pushes": true,
    "build_pull_requests": true,
    "maximum_number_of_builds": 0


Attribute Description
builds_only_with_travis_yml “builds only with .travis.yml” setting (true or false)
build_pushes “build pushes” setting (true or false)
build_pull_requests “build pull requests” setting (true or false)
maximum_number_of_builds “maximum number of concurrent builds” setting (integer)

Retrieve Settings

GET /repos/{repository.id}/settings

This request always needs to be authenticated.

Update Settings

PATCH /repos/{repository.id}/settings

Parameter Default Description
settings {} Hash map of settings that should be updated and their new values (see Attributes)

This request always needs to be authenticated.

Settings: Environment Variables

GET /settings/env_vars?repository_id=124920 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Authorization: token YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN
Host: api.travis-ci.org
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

      "id": "018e66f2-cd3a-4295-aa1d-018fe9aa0fb4",
      "name": "example",
      "value": "foobar",
      "public": true,
      "repository_id": 124920
      "id": "ec9423da-9658-4cd6-b282-fd0e5f6ed2df",
      "name": "secret_example",
      "public": false,
      "repository_id": 124920


Attribute Description
id env var id
repository_id repository id
name env var name (exported)
value env var value (exported, only included if public is true)
public whether or not value is public

List Variables

GET /repos/settings/env_vars?repository_id={repository.id}

This request always needs to be authenticated.

Fetch Variable

GET /repos/settings/env_vars/{env_var.id}?repository_id={repository.id}

This request always needs to be authenticated.

Add Variable

POST /repos/settings/env_vars?repository_id={repository.id}

Parameter Default Description
env_var Hash map of env var variable (see below)
env_var.name Name of the new env var (string)
env_var.value Value of the new env var (string)
env_var.public false whether or not to display the value

This request always needs to be authenticated.

Update Variable

PATCH /repos/settings/env_vars/{env_var.id}

Parameter Default Description
env_var Hash map of env var variable (see below)
env_var.name current value Name of the new env var (string)
env_var.value current value Value of the new env var (string)
env_var.public current value whether or not to display the value

This request always needs to be authenticated.

Delete Variable

DELETE /repos/settings/env_vars/{env_var.id}

This request always needs to be authenticated.

Settings: SSH Key

GET /settings/ssh_key/124920 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Authorization: token YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN
Host: api.travis-ci.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "ssh_key": {
    "description": "my custom key",
    "fingerprint": "99:66:93:03:41:0b:f1:f7:61:83:16:61:fa:47:c0:8f"


Attribute Description
id ssh key id (corresponds to repository id)
description key description
fingerprint key fingerprint

Fetch Key

GET /settings/ssh_key/#{ssh_key.id}

This request always needs to be authenticated.

Update or Create Key

PATCH /settings/ssh_key/#{ssh_key.id}

Parameter Default Description
ssh_key Hash map of ssh key data (see below)
ssh_key.description current value or empty key description
ssh_key.value private key (required)

This request always needs to be authenticated.

Delete Key

DELETE /settings/ssh_key/#{ssh_key.id}

This request always needs to be authenticated.


GET /users/ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Authorization: token YOUR TRAVIS ACCESS TOKEN
Host: api.travis-ci.org
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "user": {
    "id": 267,
    "name": "Konstantin Haase",
    "login": "rkh",
    "email": "github@rkh.im",
    "gravatar_id": "5c2b452f6eea4a6d84c105ebd971d2a4",
    "is_syncing": false,
    "synced_at": "2014-02-27T18:53:43Z",
    "correct_scopes": false,
    "created_at": "2011-03-30T16:25:21Z"


Attribute Description
id user id
login user login on github
name user name on github
email primary email address on github
gravatar_id avatarid
is_syncing whether or not user account is currently being synced
synced_at last synced at
correct_scopes whether or not github token has the correct scopes
channels pusher channels for this user

Show User

GET /users/

GET /users/{user.id}

This request always needs to be authenticated.

Sync Users

POST /users/sync

Triggers a new sync with GitHub. Might return status 409 if the user is currently syncing.

This request always needs to be authenticated.

Other Endpoints


PUT /lint/ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MyClient/1.0.0
Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json
Host: api.travis-ci.org
Content-Type: text/yaml

language: ruby
jdk: default
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "lint": {
    "warnings": [
        "key": ["jdk"],
        "message": "specified jdk, but ruby does not include jruby"

POST /lint

Parameter Default Description
content content of the .travis.yml

PUT /lint

This is an alternative endpoint to the POST with parameter, to make it work well with tools like curl (curl -T .travis.yml api.travis-ci.org/lint). The request body can contain the YAML file directly.

API Clients

There are a few API clients out there you can use for interacting with the Travis API, rather than manually triggering HTTP requests and parsing the responses.


The following clients are maintained by the Travis CI team:

Web Browsers

API requests using CORS:

  // using XMLHttpRequest or XDomainRequest to send an API request
  var req = window.XDomainRequest ? new XDomainRequest() : new XMLHttpRequest();

  if(req) {
    req.open("GET", "https://api.travis-ci.org/", true);
    req.onreadystatechange = function() { alert("it worked!") };
    req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json");

With jQuery:

  url: "https://api.travis-ci.org/",
  headers: { Accept: "application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json" },
  success: function() { alert("it worked!") }


  function jsonpCallback() { alert("it worked!") };
<script src="https://api.travis-ci.org/?callback=jsonpCallback"></script>

When writing an in-browser client, you have to circumvent the browser’s same origin policy. Generally, we offer two different approaches for this: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (aka CORS) and JSONP. If you don’t have any good reason for using JSONP, we recommend you use CORS.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

All API resources set appropriate headers to allow Cross-Origin requests. Be aware that on Internet Explorer you might have to use a different interface to send these requests.

In contrast to JSONP, CORS does not lead to any execution of untrusted code.

Most JavaScript frameworks, like jQuery, take care of CORS requests for you under the hood, so you can just do a normal ajax request.

Our current setup allows the headers Content-Type, Authorization, Accept and the HTTP methods HEAD, GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE.


You can disable the same origin policy by treating the response as JavaScript. Supply a callback parameter to use this.

This has the potential of code injection, use with caution.

Third Party

Besides the official clients, there is a range of third party client available, amongst these: